Nathan actually said they remind him of brownies. I’ll take that as a compliment.
So totally random.. But are you one of those people who follows a strict daily regimen? As in, your day is planned out from the moment you wake up to the moment you lay your head on the pillow at night? I’m super curious how many people have a strict daily routine. A major goal of mine (Ok, I’ll admit it’s been a goal for like the past 2 years..) is to create a daily routine for myself and really thoughtfully plan out my days ahead of time to make sure I get everything done I want to get done in the day while also having time for myself and do the things I want to do. Seems impossible, I know. But I hear it can be done.. with thoughtful planning and determination. I guess I’m just not really good at either of those.. being that I can’t seem to make myself get out of bed before 7am.
I really am convinced I’ve ruined myself. My internal clock has precisely decided that around 10:30pm (most of the time more like 9:30pm…) is when I should hit the hay and I’m not even lying when I say I DO NOT set an alarm most mornings and I wake up right at 7am (give or take a few minutes). I mean is that one determined internal clock or what?! Speaking of going to bed, I’m typing this up right now and its around 10pm and I am fighting my internal clock SO hard right now to stay up and finish this post. It doesn’t help that my macbook is like 48926935 years old so it keeps freezing up on me. I really should invest in a new laptop.. but those things ain’t cheap so I’ll get around to it one of these days. Meanwhile, I’ll refrain from throwing my laptop across the room.. which is what I really would like to do right now 🙂
Anyway, getting back to my point about a daily routine. My husband, Nathan, is actually super disciplined with his morning routine, I mean like to a T. He wakes up (around 6 I think?.. I’m really not sure because I am NEVER awake before him) lets the dog out, makes himself a breakfast which is always an omelet and a bowl of cereal. Yes, the man eats all of that for breakfast. He then gets his stuff together for work (as in packs a backpack with a change of workout clothes and irons his work clothes for the day). Then he takes a 2-3 mile run.. and takes the dog with him for the first mile.. comes home, showers, gets ready for work and heads out the door. Sometimes with a lunch I made him.. most times, not. Hey, I’m not perfect!
You probably could care less about how my husband spends his mornings. But he swears by his routine. I mean I’m pretty impressed by it too, actually super impressed. I didn’t even mention that he gets a second workout in over his lunch break.. where he proceeds to life weights. I’m happy if I can get up early enough to fit in a 1.5 mile run before I have to log on.. and most days I count that as my workout and feel good about it. Meanwhile in the back of my mind knowing my husband on the other hand is crushing it. Sorry, hubs.. you’ll probably always be in better shape than I am.
I sometimes wonder how much I could actually get done in the mornings if I just got up an hour earlier. You don’t know how many times I’ve set my alarm for 6am only to hit snooze like a billion times. I’m sorry but I just am not a morning person and I think I’ve finally come to terms with it. I do wish I would stop beating myself up over it though. Like so what, I like my sleep! Why is that so bad? But I guess it’s because I compare myself to to these other women out there who get up at 5am everyday all bright eyed and cheery and that just ain’t me.
Maybe I’ll keep trying.. I’m sure when the day comes when I have kids I’ll have to do it regardless but I think for now I’ll keep getting the extra shut-eye and try hard not to make myself feel so bad about it.
So I’m pretty sure this whole post was just an internal conversation with myself. I literally just blabbered about a personal problem and then somehow made myself feel better about it.. all through typing out this blog post and essentially talking to myself. Am I like my own shrink now? So what if I’m on to something? Honestly though, I use this blog to talk about whatever the heck is on my mind so I really hope it is at least somewhat interesting for a few of you out there. If you hate reading my poorly thought out blabber then just feel free to skip over to the recipes from now on. I honestly wouldn’t blame you! 🙂
Now off to bed before my computer crashes again or I fall asleep on the keyboard. Goodnight!

- 3 very ripe (brown) bananas, mashed
- 3 eggs, whisked
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup almond butter
- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/8 teaspoon (or pinch) of salt
- 1/2 cup chopped dark chocolate (or dark chocolate chips)
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Combine with bananas with the eggs, maple syrup, vanilla and almond butter.
- In a second bowl, combine the flour, cocoa powder, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
- Mix they dry ingredients in with the wet ingredients. Fold in the chocolate chunks.
- Pour evenly into greased muffin pan and bake for 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.